Extract from "SLM Copenhagen through 50 years" (link to the full book below).
In the 1950s and 1960s, various gay rights movements began to take shape. However, not all gay men felt that they fit into the prevailing stereotypes of gay men as feminine. The leather scene offered an alternative, where strength, masculinity, non-conformity were celebrated. This appealed to many gay men who did not feel represented by mainstream gay culture. The leather scene grew and became more permanent, with bars and clubs that specifically catered to gay leathermen. In 1951, Shaw’s – the first known leather bar – opened in New York. In 1957, Argos opened in Amsterdam, as the first leather bar in Europe.
Leather culture – or identity, if you will – had also reached Copenhagen, which did not yet have much to offer gay men who were into the more raw and masculine. Apart from gathering in a secluded corner of Gay Club, Charlottenlund Forest was one of the few places in Copenhagen where, in the early 1970s, one had a certain chance of meeting leathermen – at least on warm summer nights.
SLM Copenhagen was founded as an association in 1974 and named Scandinavian Leathermen, abbreviated SLM. The founding general meeting was held in the basement of Schacksgade 9. In these premises Frantz operated a massage clinic called Man-to-Man. From the beginning, SLM Copenhagen was allowed to rent the premises every Thursday evening and some Saturdays. The basement became the club’s permanent hangout, and the club gradually began to leave its mark on the rooms. In 1975 SLM took over the premises as Franz ceased his business.
After almost 20 years, the premises in Schacksgade 9 became too small for the growing community, and in 1993 the board found bigger premises in Studiestræde 14. The club was pleased that its new address was on the “right” side of Ørstedsparken, meaning in the neighbourhood where Men’s Bar, Cosy Bar, and the then-club Metro were located. The move was expected to be completed just before the Easter party in April 1993, but it would require a great effort from the members to get the premises ready. The project was slow, and not until January 1994 SLM Copenhagen opened in Studiestræde 14.
In 2008 the lease came to an end and could not be extended. The board found new premises in Lavendelstræde 17 that however required an investment of 5 million kroners (approx.. 650 thousand EUR) – funds the club just did not have. A long-time wealthy member bought the premises and rented them to SLM Copenhagen on favourable terms, and on March 1st 2008, the club opened in the new premises. The kind-hearted member sadly passed away later same year, and in 2018 SLM Copenhagen bought the premises from the inheriting family.
In honor of the 50 years anniversary of SLM Copenhagen, the association published the book “SLM Copenhagen through 50 years”, which you can read here:
SLM Copenhagen through 50 Years
Publication Year: 2024
Copyright: SLM Copenhagen
ISBN: 978-87-975256-0-9
Text: Henrik K
Editorial Advice: Thomas RK
Proofreading: Scott S
Archive Research and Interviews: Hans KR
Layout: Henrik K
Graphic Advice: Bo Karl D
Photos and Graphics: SLM Copenhagen, Poul H, Theis N, Allan G, Frank SJ, Kristian JA, Henrik K, PNS, Claus V, Henrik D, Ralf LR, Bo Karl D, Michael RH, IML, STOP AIDS, The AIDS Foundation.
Thanks for the help: Bert S and Brian K.