SLM Copenhagen
Lavendelstræde 17, back building, ground floor - 1462 Copenhagen K
Tlf.: 33 32 06 01 (only answered within opening hours)
VAT-number: DK-26450500
Club e-mail:
If you need to transfer money to SLM Copenhagen these are our bank details:
IBAN: DK6530003154026665
Remember to include full name and member ID.
Memberships must be purchased online on the members pages using credit card or in the club during opening hours using cash (DKK, SEK or EUR) or credit card.
It is possible to advertise in the annual program of SLM Copenhagen, on posters and here on SLMs website. It is also possible to sign a sponsor agreement related to specific events in SLM Copenhagen. Contact us for a solution that fit your communication needs.